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How to do a manual update on my on-premises installation?

Note: If you run Ragic on QNAP, you may also follow the instructions below to do a manual update.

1. Download our full installation file (, and unzip it to another dir.

2. Stop the Ragic service.

3. Delete the "lib" and "web" folders in the Ragic installation folder. (Or move it to a temporary space, make sure the target dir is empty)

4. After unzipping the Ragic On-premises patch file, you’ll see four folders in the directory: "conf", "cust", "lib", and "web".

4.1. You should find "template.json" and "version.json" in the "conf" folder.

"template.json" is for your templates. Please add this if you do not have it in your on-premises database. You only need to update it when necessary.

"version.json" is the version information. Please manually update it every time you update your on-premises database or the version information will not be updated.

4.2 Under the path cust\def\app, you’ll find "standard" and "standardtw" folders that are for Ragic templates. You only need to update them when necessary.

4.3 Please copy the "lib" and "web" folders to your Ragic installation directory to replace the previous "lib" and "web".

5. Restart the Ragic service.

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