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Levels of Access Rights Explained

Ragic has different types of Access Rights that you can set for your users or user groups.

You can find a comparitive table for system default access rights below:

Access Right Setting View Create Modify Level
No Rights Nothing No No
Survey User Own entries Yes Own entries **
Viewer All entries No No ***
Bulletin User All entries Yes Own entries ****
Admin All entries Yes All entries *****

Here is a detailed explanation of how they work:

No Rights: The user group will not be able to see this sheet at all.

Survey User: The user group will be able to create and edit their own entries, and won't be able to see other entries.

Viewer: The user group will be able to view all entries and entry details, but won't be able to edit or create new entries.

Bulletin: The user group will be able to create and edit their own entries, and view all other entries. They won't be able to edit or delete entries that they don't own.

Admin: The user group will be able to create, edit, view and delete all entries in the sheet.

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