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Hotkeys in Ragic

Ragic has some handy keyboard shortcuts that you can use.

Hotkeys for browsing data:

Hotkey Listing Page Form Page
to previous entry to previous field
to next entry to next field
go to form page of entry
back to listing page of entry
Page Up to previous page to previous entry
Page Down to next page to next entry
E edit multiple entries edit entry

Hotkeys for creating / editing data:

Hotkey Function
N Create a new entry
E Edit entry/entries
F2 Edit entry
Alt+↓ Show selection drop-down
Tab Switch between cells (clockwise)
Shift+Tab Switch between cells (counter-clockwise)
Alt+Enter New line
Ctrl+S Save entry
Esc When editing a field: Revert edited value on that field

When not editing a field: Go back to browsing mode

Space Switch to the next option in Check Box Field

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