Currently, after making a payment using the default credit card, you can view the details of your payment in the following ways:
1. Receipt sent by the payment service provider, Stripe.
2. Invoice provided by Ragic.
After each successful payment for a billing period (monthly or yearly) with automatic credit card payment, you will receive a receipt sent by our payment service provider, Stripe. The format of these receipts cannot be adjusted manually, and the "Bill to" field will be "Database Name + Billing Contact Email".
Receipt Example:
You can navigate to the Account Billing page and click on Billing History to view all previous invoices (along with payment statuses). The information displayed on these invoices can be customized, and you can refer to the instructions to adjust the content of the "Bill To" section.
For payments made by wire transfer, your invoice will not be automatically generated by Stripe or the Ragic system. Instead, we will manually send the invoice to you.