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Filtering Entries

If you'd like to filter your records based on certain criteria, you can use the left sidebar or save your commonly used searches as Personal Views.

Additionally, you can filter records on the Listing Page using the Field Headers.

Filtering from the Left Sidebar

The left sidebar search tool allows you to find records more precisely. You can set multiple filter criteria for one or more fields to narrow down the search results.

Once all filter conditions are selected, click the Search button.

To clear the applied filter, click on button Clear Filter and Sort on the top.

These filters are based on the corresponding Field Types of every field in the sheet; therefore, different query methods are offered for different field types.

1. If the field type is a Selection Field, all options will be listed, and you can select one or more options to search.

2. If the field type is a Numeric Field, you can search within a numerical range.

3. If the field type is a Date Field, you can search within a date range.

If the SYSAdmin has included Subtable fields in the left sidebar search tool, these fields can also be used to search for Subtable records.

Applying Multiple Criteria in One Field

If you need to apply multiple criteria in one field, you may click on icon to open the advanced settings:

You can select a "condition type", enter the criteria, and click Set to apply. Below are examples of multiple filter conditions:

1. To filter records where the Sales Order Status field is exactly "New Order" or "Pending Shipment":

2. To filter records where a field contains "Argentina", "Portugal", or "Croatia":

If the field value contains "Argentina", "Portugal", or "Croatia", the records will appear in the filter results, such as "Argentina VS Spain" and "Portugal VS Spain".

3. To filter records in the "Match" field that contain both "Spain" and "Portugal":

The field value must contain both "Spain" and "Portugal" to appear in the filter results, such as "Spain VS Portugal".

Advanced Filtering for Date Fields

With advanced filtering for Date fields, you can quickly find records within a specific date range. For instance, if you want to filter all the records for which the "Order Date" is today, you can click on the gear icon to open the menu, find the filtering condition, and then apply it directly.

Using Filters through Field Headers

You can click the arrow next to the field header on the Listing Page to filter and sort records. For Selection fields, you can directly click the options below to filter the records.

After clicking Total & Summary, you can also filter specific analysis results.

Filtering by Specific Field Value

If you want to filter records by a specific field value, right-click the value and select it as the filter condition.

For example, to find records where the "Status" field value is "Draft".

Searching Selections

When field types such as Selection field, Multiple Select field, Checkbox field, Select from Other Sheet field, Select User field, and Select Group field are present on the Listing Page, you can click the Field Headers to reveal the search bar and search for options to filter the records.

Querying for Empty Values

You can click the arrow icon next to the Field Header to search for empty values. Select Filter by Text, leave the text field blank, and check "Exact Match" to filter out records where the field value is empty.

You can click the icon in the left sidebar search tool, and in the pop-up window, select Empty to filter for empty values.

Filtering with Regular Expressions

If the pre-built filtering tool in the left sidebar cannot query your records properly, you can use Regular Expressions by selecting Filter by Text and adding regex: at the beginning.

As an example, the "Product Names" below are filtered with regex:ch.. This means that any name containing a word with "ch" will be included in this filter.

Here are some useful Regular Expressions that you can try out:

Search query Result
regex:^[a-c].* Returns entries that start with the letters a to c for this field
regex:^123 Returns entries that start with the string sequence 123 for this field
regex:.?.?.?.?/03/.?.? Returns the month of March in date fields
regex:.+ Returns entries that have a value in this field
regex:^((?!foobar).)*{DOM}lt;/td> Returns entries that don't contain a specific word (e.g. foobar)
regex:(apple|orange) Returns entries that contain apple or orange in this field

Note: When you apply formatting to a field in Design Mode, you still need to use Ragic's default formatting for searches with regular expressions.

For example, even though the formatting might display as MM-dd-yyyy, the data is stored in the database as yyyy/MM/dd. Therefore, searching with regex:.?.?-03-.?.?.?.? will not yield a result, and you will need to use regex:.?.?.?.?/03/.?.? instead.

If you're unsure about writing specific search conditions, feel free to contact our support team.

Filtering by User Status

If there are Select User fields in the sheet, you can click on the gear icon in the left sidebar to filter by "Logged In User," "Normal," or "Suspended."

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