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E-mailing Entries

If you don't see any options featured below on your database sheets, it may be related to the access rights you are granted. If you have any questions about your access rights or not being able to send mass e-mail, please contact your SYSAdmin of the database to check for the proper access rights configurations.

Emailing entries in the form page

To e-mail an entry, you can click on the Tools menu on the top of the form page, and select E-mail this entry.

In the pop-up window, you can customize the e-mail settings.

Customize the Recipient and Cc'd recipients

Reply to

The default reply to is the e-mail address of this entry. You may input other e-mail address or select an e-mail field.


Ragic will map the first e-mail field in the form page as the recipient by default. If you would like to change the recipient to another e-mail address, you can either input the recipient manually in the text box or use parameters. Clicking on the icon will let you preview the result of your setting.

CC and BCC List

The CC field is blank by default. Similar to the recipient field, you can type in the carbon copy recipient(s) or use parameters. Clicking on icon will let you preview the result of your setting.

Adding a Tracking Pixel

You can add a tracking pixel to confirm if the recipient has read the email. Please refer here for more information.

Customized subject and content

By default, Ragic will show the record summary in the content. If you want to apply customized content, you may also use the variables. Check all supported variables here. Clicking on will let you preview the result of your setting.

If you decide to use our standard template instead, click on will discard all the changes you've made. Furthermore, you may also attach the URL, Excel file, PDF document, temporary access links (read-only or editable, expire in 7 days), and the mail merge file of the record as well as other attachments. When you attach the URL of the record, please make sure you have grant the access right of the sheet to the recipients. Otherwise, they'll have a blank page when they access the database through the entry URL.

Mailing record

Once the e-mail is sent, it will be displayed in your e-mail history within Ragic. You can access previously sent e-mails through these mailing records.

If you want to hide the mailing record, you may refer to this tutorial.

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