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Importing and Exporting

If you don't see the following features on the sheets, it may be related to your access rights. Please contact your SYSAdmin to check the access rights configurations.

Preparing Import Files

To accurately read your import file, the first column should contain a Unique Value field (Key Field) to allow the system to identify each record. For example, the "Product No." for products or the "Customer No." for customers.

Ragic supports .xls .xlsx and .csv files. We recommend that you save your file as .csv for the best performance.

Here is the maximum size for each file format:

Format Maximum File Size
.xls 10 MB
.xlsx 10 MB
.csv 200 MB

To import multiple values for Multiple Select fields, use commas (,) or vertical bars (|) to separate the values in the import file. (If the value itself contains a comma, use vertical bars to separate them).

Importing Data

Users can import existing data from Excel or CSV files into Ragic. Go to the Listing Page of the sheet where you would like to import data and choose Import Data From File under Tools.

Upload your file and click "Next".

Check if the first row of your data is the header and if you need to reverse the import sequence.

If there are fields with similar names, ensure that each target field correctly corresponds to the intended import fields on the next page. You can choose to ignore columns of data that you do not want to import. Note that the target field values should be in the correct format; for example, if the date format in the import file is yyyy/M/d and the date format in the sheet is yyyy/MM/dd, mismatched formats may result in unsuccessful import of the field values.

Import Policy

Choose the Import Policy when importing data. Ragic will match the data in the import file based on the Key Field in the first column with entries in your sheet.

Create new entry: If a duplicate Key Value exists in entries, a new entry will still be created.

Renew data: If a duplicate Key Value exists in entries, the existing data will be updated. If the Key Value does not exist in your database, new entries will be created for this Key Value. This import policy allows for updating existing data and creating new entries.

Update without creating new data: If a duplicate Key Value exists in entries, the existing data will be updated; otherwise, new data will not be imported if the Key Value doesn't exist in your database.

Advanced Settings

If there are fields in the sheet that are automatically populated, such as Link and Load, Default Values, or Formulas, you can configure Advanced Settings in the import policy.

The following explains each item in the order they are executed during import.

Advanced Setting Description
Check and disallow importing data to locked records If you want to prevent field values in locked records from being updated during import, select this option.
Omit leading and trailing whitespaces Unwanted leading and trailing whitespaces will be omitted during import (checked by default).
Check and disallow importing data to read-only fields If the imported file contains Read Only field values, those values will not be written into the database.
Fill in default field values If your fields have Default Values configured, please check this option so that they can be automatically updated or populated.
Execute link and load When Link and Load settings are configured on the sheet, select this option to load field values based on imported data. If not selected, the loaded fields will remain empty.
Recalculate all formulas Recalculate all Formulas during the import.
Import date values using browser time zone When enabled, date values in your import file will align with your browser's time zone. If not selected, they will default to UTC+0 time zone.
Execute not empty check Check if there are field values configured as Not Empty. If a field is empty, it will be skipped during the import.
Execute validation check Check if the field value meets the configured Validation. If they do not, they will be skipped during the import.
Execute workflow Execute workflow (specific to each database's configuration).

Completing and Reverting Import

After completing all settings, proceed to the next step and click "Import your data!" to import your data into the sheet.

To revert the import, click "here" on the Import complete page.

Alternatively, you can ask the SYSAdmin to revert the import through the "Recent Changes" page.

Exporting Data

Ragic offers various options for exporting files accessible from the Tools Menu. Please note that when exporting from the Listing Page, the applied search filters will affect the range of records exported.

Download as Excel or CSV

In the "Download Configuration", you can choose whether to export data from all fields or only from fields displayed on the Listing Page. You can also select the specific range for export.

To export one record, navigate to Tools under the Form Page instead.


1. When downloading Excel files from the Listing Page, the hidden fields can only be downloaded by SYSAdmin and Group Administrators (for sheets under that group's tab). Files downloaded by other users will not include hidden fields. If the field is present on the Listing Page, the system will first check whether the field is hidden; if the field is not on the Listing Page, it will check whether the field is hidden on the Form Page instead.

2. If you have more than 5000 records to export, the system will export records into CSV format. Furthermore, if you are exporting more than 30000 records, the system will generate the CSV file asynchronously and send the file to your email when it is done.

3. If the sheet contains Image Upload field(s), when downloading as an Excel file from the Listing Page with a specified range of fewer than 100 records, the Excel file will automatically embed the images. However, if no range is selected or if more than 100 records are chosen, the Excel file will not embed the images but will instead display URLs linking to them.

4. For File Upload field: Due to Excel's limitation of allowing only one hyperlink per cell, when there is only one file in the field, exporting to Excel will present it as a hyperlink with the file name and its URL. However, if there are multiple files in the field, due to the limitation, the file names and file URLs will be presented in a text format.

Download as PDF

In the "Download Configuration", you can choose whether to export data from all fields or only from fields displayed on the Listing Page, along with selecting the desired number of records to export.

You can also export in the format of Form Pages. If you want to export multiple sheets at once, you can choose to save your records as a single file, or as separate files compressed into a zip file.

You can also attach a watermark of your company logo on the PDF file by uploading the image of the logo to the Watermark field in the Company Setting sheet.

Printer Friendly

The Printer Friendly shows the data layout as seen in the browser, making it suitable for direct printing. You can choose to print your data either as displayed on the Listing Page or as individual records based on their layout on the Form Page.

Listing Page

Form Page

Switching Between Multiple Versions

If there are Multiple Versions of the sheet, you can switch directly to the friendly printing view of a specific version by clicking the gear icon in the top right corner. Additionally, by clicking the gear icon, you can configure the layout settings.

Other Settings

Click the gear icon in the upper-right to access these settings:

1. Allow content overflow: Long content will not be wrapped whenever possible.

2. Show default bottom border:

3. Remove Hyperlinks: Convert the hyperlink field's value to text.

4. Include Approval information: Display approval information at the bottom of the page.

Other Exporting Options

1. Learn more about the types of reports you can generate here.

2. Use the Custom Print Report saved by the SYSAdmin.

3. Mail Merge allows you to export your data into a specific Excel or Word template.

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