Note: This feature is not applicable to Subtable fields. If you assign a user/group to a Subtable field, the user cannot be set as the entry manager for that entry. Please set this feature on independent fields instead.
Entry creators can view and modify their entries by default. If you need to assign entries to users who do not have access rights to view entries created by others, you can add a Select User field and check Set selected user as entry manager, granting them access to that entry.
Once the entries are assigned to the users, they will have access to them.
If you have already added customers as External Users, you can use this method to assign entries to them. The customers should be Survey Users on this sheet. If needed, you can set additional access rights for them, such as No edit or No create.
You can also assign an entry to a user group using the Select Group field. Check Set selected group as entry manager to grant all users in the selected group the same access right as the entry creator. Also, check Notify users in assigned group to ensure that group members receive assignment notification emails.
The assigned group will be displayed as "@group name" in "i".
1. If the user's access right for the sheet is set to Survey User, selecting users or user groups as the owner of an entry allows them to "view and edit" it.
2. If the user's access right for the sheet is set to Bulletin User, selecting users or user groups as the owner of an entry allows them to "edit" it.
Note: If the user's access rights for the sheet are set to No Rights or Viewer, you cannot grant access rights to selected users or user groups.
Within a single sheet, only assignments in independent fields grant users or groups management access to the entry. Assignments in Subtable fields do not designate users as entry managers.
To revoke the assignment of the user or user group, delete the value in the field that sets the user as an entry owner. If necessary, you can also manually remove entry managers in "i".
To view all managers of the entry, click the "i" icon in the bottom right corner.
You can remove a user’s or group's rights by clicking the "x" next to their name. If the entry creator is removed, only assigned individuals or groups will remain as managers.