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Custom Print Report

You can export records into custom PDF, Word, or PNG formats in Ragic. For example, export "Sales Orders" into the PDF format your company usually uses.

Creating the Template

In the Form Page, select Custom Print Report from the Tools.

Alternatively, choose Custom Print Report from the Creating Reports step.

You will be directed to this page.

Follow the steps below to create a template.

1. Checking for Template

First, the system will check if you already have a Word template.

If you have a template, select Yes, I’d like to upload my own Word file as a template. If you don’t have one, select No, please provide a default template for me to modify.

2. Downloading the Template

If you select " No, please provide a default template for me to modify", you will be directed to this page. Click Download to download the default template.

3. Modifying the Template

Edit the template to the desired layout or add/remove fields as needed. Refer to this section and this documentation for modification guidelines.

You can refer to the Field Value Syntax Reference on the upload template page for field parameters.

Clicking a field’s syntax will copy the parameter for quick pasting into your template.

Note: The syntax for independent fields and Subtable fields is different.

Independent Fields:

Subtable: Refer to the syntax in the figure below and add only the [i] and [i+1] rows.

4. Uploading the Template

If you choose Yes, I’d like to upload my own Word file as a template or click Next after downloading the template, you will proceed to this page, where you can upload the modified template.

You can preview it from the window below.

5. Configuring the Report

Name the Report: In the top corner, you can change the report name. Since there can be multiple versions of Custom Print Reports, use a simple and clear name for easy identification.

File Format: In the top-right corner of the preview window, choose the file format for download. You can download the report as a PDF, PNG image, or Word document.

Access Rights: Click the gear icon next to the report name and select Advanced setting to set which groups can use this report.

Referenced Field for File Name: Click the gear icon next to the report name and select Advanced setting to specify which field in the sheet should be used to name the downloaded file.

6. Saving the Report

After completing all settings, click "Save Report".

It will lead to the following page.

Click "Finish" at the bottom to see the report button added to the lower right corner, and you can start using the Custom Print Report.

7. Modifying Saved Report

Entering the Custom Print Report page again allows you to add a new report or modify an existing one.

Click on the report you want to modify, and you can upload the revised template again.

You can click the gear icon next to the report name and select Download this version of the template to download the template saved for this report for further modifications.

The addition, modification, and deletion of templates are all recorded in the Previous Versions. Click the template link to download the corresponding version of the file.

8. Deleting Reports and Buttons

You can click the "X" next to the report on this page to delete the saved report.

Note: When a report is saved, a corresponding action button is automatically generated. This button cannot be deleted by Removing Action Buttons; it can only be removed by deleting the corresponding report through the Custom Print Report settings page.

Downloading Custom Print Report

After saving, go to the Form Page of the record you want to print. In the lower right corner, an action button for the saved Custom Print Report will appear. Click the button to start downloading the file.

SYSAdmin can also access the Custom Print Report page, select a report, click the gear icon next to the report name, and choose Download report.

Note: If any fields fail to download correctly, please refer to this section and this documentation.

Limitations and Notes

1. Currently, only the Form Page format is available. To download the Listing Page format, please refer to the Mail Merge.

2. When a sheet has too many fields and the width is excessive, the downloaded template may not show fields that extend beyond the page. Please refer to the Field Value Syntax Reference to add fields to the template.

3. The downloaded template will automatically place Subtable fields at the bottom. If you want to change the location of Subtables, you need to adjust them manually. Please ensure that different Subtables are not placed in the same row, which may cause issues when printing the report.

4. Currently, File Upload and fields using BBCodes cannot be displayed in the downloaded file.

5. If certain fields do not output correctly (e.g., Free Text, Image Upload, Signature, or Barcode fields), please refer to this documentation to manually adjust the template.

6. Multiple-select Image Upload fields may not output properly. Please refer to the documentation for instructions on manually adjusting the template.

7. Currently, Approval Formula fields that return signatures cannot be displayed in the downloaded file, as follows:

(1) APPROVAL.STEP([stepIndex]).SIG([email])

(2) APPROVAL.STEP([stepIndex]).SIGIMG([email], [width], [height]).

8. The provided file formats do not support Excel. If needed, refer to Download as Excel or Mail Merge.

9. Currently, only all Subtable data can be printed; it is not possible to print only filtered Subtable data.

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