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Form Deletion Policy

If your sheet includes Subtable(s) and generates a new sheet from Subtable, you can configure whether to delete Subtable records in the Related sheet when deleting the record from the Parent sheet.

To configure the Form Deletion Policy, navigate to Form Settings in the left sidebar from the Form Page Design Mode, and click on the Form Settings tab.

There are three options:

1. Do not delete related subtable record

2. Delete subtable records

3. Delete subtable plus reference subtable records

Do Not Delete Related Subtable Record

When Deleting an Entry from the Parent sheet, records in the Subtable will also be deleted. However, with this option, records generated in a new sheet from this Subtable will not be deleted. You will only see the Linked Fields from the Parent sheet being cleared.

Delete Subtable Records

With this option, when Deleting an Entry from the Parent sheet, both the record in the Subtable and the records generated from the Subtable in new sheets will be deleted. You will see that the records in the new sheet from the Subtable are deleted after deleting the Subtable records in the Parent sheet

Delete Subtable Plus Reference Subtable Records

With this option, in addition to having the same effect as selecting Delete subtable records, the Referenced Subtables from existing sheets and the record on the source sheet will also be deleted.

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