La Ragic Guía
Transformando la manera en que tu negocio funciona con sistema TI y servicios cloud
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Case Studies
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Case Studies
What is Ragic
Talking Ragic
Integrating Ragic With Your Existing Systems Icon
Integrating Ragic With Your Existing Systems
What is Ragic
Por Jeff Kuo publicado en 2021/10/19
Many users have asked us this question: How to integrate Ragic with their current system? Right here, we're going to introduce you to the three key integration methods.
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Excel Catastrophe 10: Which One is the Real
Excel Catastrophe 10: Which One is the Real "Final Version"?
Talking Ragic
Por Gina Tsao publicado en 2021/02/09
"Final Version.xlsx" "Final Version Updated.xlsx" "FINAL final Version.xlsx" ...... Can you tell which Excel file is the correct final version to to publish?
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A Roofing Database Made by a Roofing Company: R&R Industries' Success With Ragic Icon
A Roofing Database Made by a Roofing Company: R&R Industries' Success With Ragic
Case Studies
Por Fabio Kuo publicado en 2020/08/10
R&R Industries are now their own data experts by customizing a complete Roofing Database themselves!
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Excel Catastrophe 9: The Haunting AutoFormat Icon
Excel Catastrophe 9: The Haunting AutoFormat
Talking Ragic
Por Gina Tsao publicado en 2020/07/24
Scary stories are popular all over the world, especially in summer nights when people sit together in the dark. The scarier the story is, the cooler the temperature feels like. To escape from the heat, here is a true story which may send shivers down your spine...
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"Just Ragic It" is Livolt's Approach to Data Managing
Case Studies
Por Fabio Kuo publicado en 2020/06/24
A data managing evolution has occurred in Livolt after migrating from using spreadsheets to processing on a customized Ragic database. This did not only improve the quality and efficiency of work, but also upgraded their organization as a whole.
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Excel Catastrophe 8: Easy in Theory, Difficult in Practice Icon
Excel Catastrophe 8: Easy in Theory, Difficult in Practice
Talking Ragic
Por Gina Tsao publicado en 2020/06/16
How hard would it be to make an order list by Excel? Is repeatedly copying and pasting the real deal? One could still create a good-looking and well-functioning sales order in Ragic by building sheet relations.
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Excel Catastrophe 7: The Troublesome App Icon
Excel Catastrophe 7: The Troublesome App
Talking Ragic
Por Gina Tsao publicado en 2020/03/13
Opening and using an Excel file on phones and tablets can make our lives miserable, is there a better way to view and edit our own data?
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Excel Catastrophe 6: The Doom of Garbled Text Icon
Excel Catastrophe 6: The Doom of Garbled Text
Talking Ragic
Por Fabio Kuo publicado en 2020/02/10

Rather than trying to find ways to decrypt these garbled textual data, why not avoid them completely by using Ragic?
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Excel Catastrophe 5: Small Mistakes, Big Consequences Icon
Excel Catastrophe 5: Small Mistakes, Big Consequences
Talking Ragic
Por Gina Tsao publicado en 2020/02/03
After a few hours of copying and pasting data, you notice that your whole report is messed up with many mistakes...... Is that really the right way to manage your data?
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Excel Catastrophe 1:The Hell of Copy, Paste & Save Icon
Excel Catastrophe 1:The Hell of Copy, Paste & Save
Talking Ragic
Por Gina Tsao publicado en 2019/12/17
Do you have similar experiences while using Excel?
Doesn't it feel like hell?
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How Do it Best Corp. Marketing Team Uses Ragic to Build A Project Management Database Without Writing Any Code Icon
How Do it Best Corp. Marketing Team Uses Ragic to Build A Project Management Database Without Writing Any Code
Case Studies
Por Aletha Alfarania publicado en 2019/06/03
See how the company's market research supervisor tailored a data management application with Ragic and eliminated reliance on IT-personnel once and for all.
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Excel es la herramienta de manejo de datos más popular del mundo.
Pero se vuelve demasiado tedioso ya que Excel no está diseñado para el manejo de datos.
Ragic hace que el construir bases de datos potentes sea tan simple como usar Excel.
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