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mié, 2025/04/09 at 05:00 AM EASTERN
Ragic Webinar: Apr 9th Office Hour (Q&A Session)
Welcome to Ragic’s Biweekly Office Hour Webinar! 👋 Join us for an interactive session designed just for SYSAdmins managing Ragic databases. This is your chance to connect with Jeff Kuo, the guy behind Ragic’s brain, and get answers to your toughest questions. Leave your questions here, and we'll discuss them during the webinar!
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Jeff Kuo
The founder of Ragic who loves solving problems with technology.
2025/04/09 05:00 AM EASTERN 2025/04/09 06:00 AM EASTERN America/New_York Ragic Webinar: Apr 9th Office Hour (Q&A Session) Welcome to Ragic’s Biweekly Office Hour Webinar! 👋 Join us for an interactive session designed just for SYSAdmins managing Ragic databases. This is your chance to connect with Jeff Kuo, the guy behind Ragic’s brain, and get answers to your toughest questions. Leave your questions here, and we'll discuss them during the webinar! Para información sobre conexión por audio, por favor vea https://www.ragic.com/intl/en/webinar Jeff Kuo jeff@ragic.com

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