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Cómo el Equipo de Marketing de Do it Best Corp. Utiliza Ragic Para Crear una Base de Datos de Gestión de Proyectos Sin Escribir Ningún Código Icon
Por Aletha Alfarania, Tania Gomez publicado en 2025/01/16
Veamos cómo el supervisor de investigación de mercado de la empresa diseñó una aplicación de gestión de datos con Ragic y eliminó la dependencia del personal de TI de una vez por todas.
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How Do it Best Corp. Marketing Team Uses Ragic to Build A Project Management Database Without Writing Any Code Icon
Por Aletha Alfarania publicado en 2019/06/03
See how the company's market research supervisor tailored a data management application with Ragic and eliminated reliance on IT-personnel once and for all.
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Rental Listing Management Made Easy with This Free Database Template! Icon
Por Aletha Alfarania publicado en 2019/05/10
Whether you're a tenant or a landlord, this simple Ragic application can be a big help in searching for your ideal place to stay, a roommate, or a suitable tenants for your rental!
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4 Ways to Learn Ragic Through Tutorial Videos Icon
Por Aletha Alfarania publicado en 2019/04/08
Wandering aimlessly in our YouTube channel? Take a minute to get to know our content and learn Ragic in you preferred way.
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Por Aletha Alfarania publicado en 2019/01/30
NO CODE softwares make the world go around in 2019. Read to know more about this market trend!
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Ragic CRM Template - A Simple, Effective CRM Solution for Small and Medium Businesses! Icon
Por Aletha Alfarania publicado en 2019/01/21
Learn how Ragic's built-in CRM template helps you manage and automate the process of finding new leads to establishing contracts!
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Design Your Greeting Cards/ Emails with Ragic! Icon
Por Aletha Alfarania publicado en 2018/12/11
Check out how you can design and customize your greeting cards/ emails in Ragic! Original article by Rex Ho
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Introduction to Data Management (Part 1): Getting to Know Your Data Format Icon
Por Aletha Alfarania publicado en 2018/12/07
A successful data management starts with understanding the nature of your data. (Original article by Lillian Huang, translated by Aletha Alfarania)
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Intoduction to Data Management (Part 2): The “Ideal
Por Aletha Alfarania publicado en 2018/12/07
The ideal spreadsheet format for data management and analysis: the data format, arrangement, consistency, and identification properties. (Original article by Lillian Huang, translated by Aletha Alfarania)
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Builiding Your First Database: How to Get Started <i>Ragically</i> Icon
Por Aletha Alfarania publicado en 2018/10/19
Register. Prepare. Collect. Connect. Configure access rights. (Original article by Angie Wang, translated by Aletha Alfarania)
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Excel es la herramienta de manejo de datos más popular del mundo.
Pero se vuelve demasiado tedioso ya que Excel no está diseñado para el manejo de datos.
Ragic hace que el construir bases de datos potentes sea tan simple como usar Excel.
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