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Dr. aiR, una Fábrica de Calzado con Almohadilla de Aire Personalizable, Acorta los Plazos de Entrega de 3 Meses a 2 Semanas con Ragic Icon
Por Lillian Huang, Tania Gomez publicado en 2025/01/23
"Solíamos atribuir nuestra incapacidad para cumplir con los plazos a problemas de capacidad de producción, pensando que necesitábamos más capacidad y contratábamos continuamente personal. Ahora nos damos cuenta de que no es un problema de capacidad en absoluto, sino más bien un problema de gestión. Con Ragic, lo que antes requería diez personas para lograrlo ahora se puede lograr con solo siete".
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El Gobierno de la Ciudad de Taipéi Redujo los Costos en 2 Millones de Dólares Con Ragic Icon
Por Lillian Huang, Tania Gomez publicado en 2025/01/23
En respuesta al inminente aumento de la necesidad de atención domiciliaria para los casos confirmados de COVID-19, Ragic se convirtió en la solución para que el gobierno de la ciudad de Taipéi creara el "Sistema de asignación de tareas de COVID-19" en 3 días, lo que resultó en una reducción total de costos de 2 millones de dólares.
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El Equipo Detrás de los Conciertos de la Película Harry Potter: ¿Cómo Puede un Equipo de 4 Personas Manejar Más de 300 Presentaciones Anuales? Icon
Por Lillian Huang, Tania Gomez publicado en 2025/01/21
CineConcerts, la productora detrás de más de doce conciertos de películas, incluidos Gladiator Live, Godfather Live y Harry Potter™ Film Concert Series, cuenta solo con cuatro empleados a tiempo completo para gestionar más de 300 funciones anuales. ¿Cómo lo hacen?
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40+ Ragic Quick Templates To Make Your Life Easier Icon
Por Lillian Huang publicado en 2024/07/29
From Travel Itinerary to Meeting Minutes, explore a variety of Ragic Quick Templates that can help you organize your life—without the hassle of building sheets from scratch.
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Dr.aiR, a Customizable Air-Cushion Footwear Factory, Shortens Lead Times from 3 Months to 2 Weeks with Ragic Icon
Por Lillian Huang, Nadya Tan publicado en 2024/06/03
"We used to attribute our inability to deliver on time to production capacity issues, thinking that we needed more capacity and we continuously hired people. Now we realize that it's not a capacity problem at all; rather, it's a management issue! With Ragic, what used to require ten people to accomplish can now be achieved with just seven."
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No-Code: A Skill That Could Be the Key to Advancing Your Career Icon
Por Lillian Huang publicado en 2023/10/27
In the ever-evolving landscape of career advancement, the spotlight has long been on 'coding'—a sought-after skill for those navigating career shifts or eager to increase their income. However, as we observe the trajectory of technological advancements, one notable element stands out: a skill that is both less intricate yet remarkably effective — no-code. How can mastering no-code tools become the key to advancing your career?
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Taipei City Government Slashed $2 Million USD in Costs With Ragic Icon
Por Lillian Huang publicado en 2023/08/16
In response to the imminent increase in the need for home care for COVID-19 confirmed cases, Ragic became the solution for the Taipei City Government to create the 'COVID-19 Task Allocation System' in 3 days, resulting in a total cost reduction of USD $2 million.
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The Team Behind the Harry Potter Film Concerts: How Does a 4-Person Team Stay on top of Over 300 Annual Performances? Icon
Por Lillian Huang publicado en 2022/08/17
CineConcerts, the production company behind over twelve film concerts, including Gladiator Live, Godfather Live, and the Harry Potter™ Film Concert Series, has only four full-time staff to manage over 300 annual performances. How do they do it?
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Taking things into your own hands: Free Ragic Template for Asset and IT Request Management Icon
Por Lillian Huang publicado en 2021/08/16
Losing count of PCs? Can't find your software license info? Handling IT issues in person, on the phone, and in the mail, then losing track of all the communication records? Try Ragic's free IT Help Desk template!
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Do You Use Ragic to teach Data Management? We Want to Offer Your Students Free Ragic Professional License for One Semester! Icon
Por Lillian Huang publicado en 2021/07/29
Did you know Ragic is more than just a data management tool? It can also be the perfect hands-on way for teaching database design. Don't know where to start? Don't worry, we're offering you and your students free Ragic Professional accounts as well as comprehensive teaching resources such as teaching material and practice exercises!
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HR Hiring Management System: From Resumé Management to Job Offers, Simplified (Free Template) Icon
Por Lillian Huang publicado en 2021/03/17
The hiring process takes a lot of tedious work. Wouldn't it be great If there were a tool that's as easy as Excel and offers what Excel doesn't, such as data syncing and other functional integration but without the rigidity of traditional systems? That's what Ragic's free Hiring Template can do for you.
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From Disorganized Excel to Customized CRM System Icon
Por Lillian Huang publicado en 2020/06/09
A Ragic database system allows you to not only store your CRM data, but also to process and manage all your CRM information easily.
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Decoding Barcodes: The Key to Your Efficient System Icon
Por Lillian Huang publicado en 2020/03/06
Dissect barcodes: how does barcodes work and how can you integrate them with your Ragic database.
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Excel es la herramienta de manejo de datos más popular del mundo.
Pero se vuelve demasiado tedioso ya que Excel no está diseñado para el manejo de datos.
Ragic hace que el construir bases de datos potentes sea tan simple como usar Excel.
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