API Developer Guide
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Common Questions For API Parameter


ParameterCommon Question

Some fields can contain special symbols such as spaces and newlines, and these symbols should be taken into account when filtering.

It is recommended to first fetch the data with an API request to inspect the field values, before constructing your filter query parameters.


ParameterCommon Question

If the specified linked field value does not exist in the source sheet, the linked field and all relevant loaded fields values will be cleared.

Link and Load operation will overwrite the specified field value within the HTTP request.


If the formula referred fields do not contain sensible values (i.e. empty field values or non-numeric values for arithmetic formulae), the formula field may have its value cleared.

Formula calculation will overwrite the specified field value within the HTTP request.


Workflow can contain complex operations, it is indeed difficult to debug. We suggest comparing the result with the web version.


There are two types of default values:

(1) “create xxx”, with $ as the first symbol

(2) “last modified xxx”, with # as the first symbol

$ starting default values are only triggered on creation of a data entry, while # starting default values are triggered every update.

For example, $DATETIME is only triggered on data entry creation, while #DATETIME is triggered every update.

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