For example, if you have an URL to the record as follows
You can retrieve an HTML printer friendly version like this, by adding a .xhtml to the end:
You can add a .pdf for a PDF version, .xlsx for an Excel version:
You can retrieve a Mail Merge of a record, by adding .custom? and a Mail Merge CID to specify which template (which is 1 for the mail merge template used in this case):
To obtain the cid of a mail merge, you can manually download a mail merge from the Ragic user interface first, and pay attention to the cid parameter in the download url.
You can retrieve a Custom Print Report of a record by appending .carbone? to the URL, along with the following parameters (joined with &).
(1) File format syntax: fileFormat="file format" (e.g., pdf, png, docx).
Example: fileFormat=pdf
(2) Custom template ID syntax: customPrintTemplateId="Template ID".
Example: customPrintTemplateId=1
To obtain the "Template ID", first manually download the Custom Print Report and find the Template ID parameter in the download URL:
(3) File name referenced field syntax (Optional):fileNameRefDomainId="Field ID".
Example: fileNameRefDomainId=1001000