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New BBCode and Google Map supports in cell content

Por Jeff Kuo

Note (2025/02/03): For more information about bbcode supported in Ragic, please refer to this document.

HTML does not work on Ragic fields because of security concerns. But sometimes it's nice to add colors, images, or widgets to the form to make them more useful. Now we added support to some of the BBCode formats that's often used on Internet forums. We've only picked some BBCodes to ensure that the formatting will not mess up the layout of most forms. We will be adding support for more BBCode types, and you're free to suggest additions to

Color : [color=#880000]red[/color]

Google Map:[addr]350 5th Avenue, New York, NY[/addr]

Please note that HTML "IS" supported in design mode when you use field descriptions. You can freely add most HTML if you're the designer of the application.

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