
"NO CODE" is the New Code - The Developer and Consumer Market Trend in 2019

作成者:Aletha Alfarania

The irresistible "NO CODE" appeal

Let’s say you wish to have a simple tool to help enhance your company recruitment process. Intuitively, you might first ask your IT team to develop it for you in the given time. But they’ve already had too much on their plate right now, so you’re forced to seek solutions elsewhere. Outsourcing? To expensive for such a small project. Find a freelance software engineer to do it? Too impractical. Gaaaaah!

When browsing for alternatives, not-so randomly you found an online software which allows you to build simple applications in a way you edit spreadsheet documents- without the need to write any code! Then you realized by building a customized job application database with it, you can speed up data review and candidate filtering in recruitment process.

The software's down-to-earth and guided interface enables almost anyone to create exceptional products which otherwise would only exist in their imagination, or achieve certain work results in a much simpler way without having to involve advanced IT skills.

Takes a little time and effort to familiarize yourself with those tools, but shortly after, BOOM. You successfully created “THE THING” you never thought you could without any help from software developers!

The “DIY tool + a little sweat + your imagination = a new app” equation

By being a DIY solution to satisfy your seemingly difficult (also time, energy, and budget-consuming) needs, you just can not not be attracted to the developer and consumer, or “devsumer” products. ( I mean, if I were placed in the above situation, why would I spend another minute looking for other less economic and impractical solutions?).

Listed as one of the most intriguing markets in 2019 in Eliad Gil’s article (author of High Growth Handbook), the devsumer wave dominates consumers’ interests by giving back the power of “developing the right tool” to users through user-friendly interfaces and templated, self-customizable applications.

Can you name one or two examples of devsumer product?



Ragic, a DIY online database builder, is a perfect devsumer product example. Creating database applications in Ragic is as easy as editing Excel spreadsheets.

The "sheets" in Ragic are used to store the information you want and build up your database. As you add more sheets and entries, your database will also increase in size and complexity. After your data accumulate to a certain amount, you can analyze them with Ragic's data analysis tools and generate meaningful reports.

Despite its relatively simple interface, Ragic has a wider variety of powerful features you can incorporate to create bigger, more sophisticated business databases compared to other "no code" database building softwares (such as converting records and subtable linking, which rarely exist in similar softwares). But in case you're not planning to go too big or be bothered by all the choices, you can opt for alternative (and quicker) ways to build databases in Ragic: built-in set templates and quick templates.

Like other devsumer products, Ragic can be used as a stand-alone tool or collaborated with other apps, too. Ragic goes hand-in-hand with Google sheet, various calendar apps, and numerous other web apps through Zapier integration.

Thus, personal use aside, equipped with the right know-how, you’d also be able to build better, more self-customized enterprise databases with Ragic- without a line of code.

Devsumer products and the near future job market

Increasing demand on professionals supercharged with the skill to operate devsumer tools at work is very likely to occur as the byproduct of the trend. As this would set an even higher recruitment bar, it may as well birth many new opportunities in the ever-changing storm of the job market.

So, how about starting to craft some magic with devsumer tools and jazz up your CV?

Learn the 3 simple steps to build a database in Ragic here!

Learn how Ragic CRM template provides you a flexible customer data management solution here!

カテゴリ: Tips and Tricks > No Code

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