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Case Studies
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Project Budget and Expense: Helping you Plan your Expenses and Revenues with Precision (Free Template) Icon
Project Budget and Expense: Helping you Plan your Expenses and Revenues with Precision (Free Template)
Par Rex Ho publié sur 2021/04/23
Are you spending a lot of time calculating the project ROI? Having a hard time keeping track of every single income and expense item? Even flummoxed by the uncategorized invoices in paper and electronic forms? That is because you don't have a unified platform. Ragic's Project Budget and Expense template can sort it all out for you!
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Organize Your Complex HR Data Easily in the Simple HR Template in Ragic Icon
Organize Your Complex HR Data Easily in the Simple HR Template in Ragic
Par Rex Ho publié sur 2020/07/29
Why would you still use many nonfunctional spreadsheet documents to process human resources data when you can do them in a structured system for free with Ragic?
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Excel est l'outil de gestion de données le plus populaire au monde.
Mais il devient vite ingérable car Excel n'est pas conçu pour la gestion de données.
Ragic permet de créer des bases de données en ligne puissantes aussi simplement qu'avec Excel.
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