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Automatically Calculate Receivable Payment Due Date Based on Invoice and Payment Terms (Excel /Ragic Formula Tutorial) Icon
Par Maurice Lee, Nikki Yiu publié sur 2025/03/20
In B2B transactions, payments are usually not collected immediately for the convenience and turnaround time for customers. Instead, payments are recorded as Accounts Receivables, with a collection date set based on the agreed payment terms. However, the calculation of the payment due date is often more complex than simply adding N number of days. In this article, we will cover the Ragic and Excel formulas you can use to automatically calculate the payment due date to make accounts receivable management easier.
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No Time to Design Your Database? Ragic Consulting Partners Can Help Icon
Par Maurice Lee, Nadya Tan publié sur 2025/01/07
No time to build a database yourself? Let the experts handle it! With Ragic’s Partner Program, you’ll connect with skilled professionals and companies across various industries who can bring your ideal system to life. In this article, we’ll explore how the program works and guide you to the perfect partner for your database project.
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All the Whys and Hows of Becoming a Ragic Consulting Partner Icon
Par Maurice Lee, Nadya Tan publié sur 2024/03/01
Want to take on software development projects to expand your client base? Already a heavy Ragic user, craving to assist others and earn extra income? Learn more about becoming a Ragic Partner!
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Excel est l'outil de gestion de données le plus populaire au monde.
Mais il devient vite ingérable car Excel n'est pas conçu pour la gestion de données.
Ragic permet de créer des bases de données en ligne puissantes aussi simplement qu'avec Excel.
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