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Case Studies
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Accounting Lite: Accounting and Financial Reports Made Easy Icon
Accounting Lite: Accounting and Financial Reports Made Easy
Par Angie Wang publié sur 2021/05/27
The Account (Lite) template has the whole package that takes care of every aspect of your business.
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Boosting Administrative Support: Office Supplies Management Template Icon
Boosting Administrative Support: Office Supplies Management Template
Par Angie Wang publié sur 2021/04/12
Most enterprise users prefer to implement a digitized PSI or CRM system, but for administrative work, businesses still tend to use paper, and that is often the reason why the administrative department suffers from low efficiency. Here's our free office supplies management template to help the administrative department help do digitization.
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Excel est l'outil de gestion de données le plus populaire au monde.
Cependant, sa complexité augmente rapidement, Excel n'étant pas spécifiquement conçu pour la gestion des données.
Ragic simplifie la création de bases de données en ligne, ce tout aussi efficacement qu'Excel mais de manière plus intuitive.
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