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Limiting Entry Number / Paging

Very often you do not want to fetch all entries with one request, you can use the limit and offset parameters to specify how many entries that you would like to retrieve, and how many entries that you would like to skip at the start, so clients can implement pages for viewing entries.

The usage of limit and offset parameters is similiar to SQL limit parameter. Offset is how many entries that you would like to skip in the beginning, and limit is how many entries that you would like to be returned.

Returned data is defaulted to 1000 entries, you will need to provide limit parameters if you want your response to have more than 1000 entries.

The format is as follows:

The offset parameter is the number of entries that should be skipped before returning, used for going through pages that has been retrieved. The limit parameter is the max number of records that should be returned per call. For example the below call will skip the first 5 entries, and return 6 ~ 13, a total of 8 entries.

curl --get -d "limit=8" \
-d "offset=5" \
-H "Authorization:Basic YOUR_API_KEY_GOES_HERE" \
-d api \

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