Le Guide Ragic
Transformer la façon dont votre entreprise opère grâce aux logiciels informatiques et aux services cloud
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Case Studies
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Case Studies
What is Ragic
Talking Ragic
A Roofing Database Made by a Roofing Company: R&R Industries' Success With Ragic Icon
A Roofing Database Made by a Roofing Company: R&R Industries' Success With Ragic
Case Studies
Par Fabio Kuo publié sur 2020/08/10
R&R Industries are now their own data experts by customizing a complete Roofing Database themselves!
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Employee Management: Staying Connected With Colleagues Anytime, Anywhere Icon
Employee Management: Staying Connected With Colleagues Anytime, Anywhere
Par Fabio Kuo publié sur 2020/05/28
Always stay on the same page! No matter where you or your peers are, it is fundamental to stay connected and communicate with each other in the workplace.
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How to Prevent Disputes From Happening When Your SYSAdmin Resigns? Icon
How to Prevent Disputes From Happening When Your SYSAdmin Resigns?
What is Ragic
Par Fabio Kuo publié sur 2020/02/26
What can you do to prevent losing access to your database after your SYSAdmin resigns from his or her job? Important precautionary methods must be used before starting your database for your organization...
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Excel est l'outil de gestion de données le plus populaire au monde.
Cependant, sa complexité augmente rapidement, Excel n'étant pas spécifiquement conçu pour la gestion des données.
Ragic simplifie la création de bases de données en ligne, ce tout aussi efficacement qu'Excel mais de manière plus intuitive.
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