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Case Studies
What is Ragic
Talking Ragic
Integrating Ragic With Your Existing Systems Icon
Integrating Ragic With Your Existing Systems
What is Ragic
Par Jeff Kuo publié sur 2021/10/19
Many users have asked us this question: How to integrate Ragic with their current system? Right here, we're going to introduce you to the three key integration methods.
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Decoding Barcodes for the Keys to Your Own System Icon
Decoding Barcodes for the Keys to Your Own System
What is Ragic
Par Lillian Huang publié sur 2020/03/06
Dissect barcodes: how does barcodes work and how can you integrate them with your Ragic database.
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How to Prevent Disputes From Happening When Your SYSAdmin Resigns? Icon
How to Prevent Disputes From Happening When Your SYSAdmin Resigns?
What is Ragic
Par Fabio Kuo publié sur 2020/02/26
What can you do to prevent losing access to your database after your SYSAdmin resigns from his or her job? Important precautionary methods must be used before starting your database for your organization...
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The Secret Actions Behind Full-Text Search Icon
The Secret Actions Behind Full-Text Search
What is Ragic
Par Fabio Kuo publié sur 2020/02/13
How does full-text search work in Ragic? What do you need to enter in the search engine to find records? Why do I not get any search results? Here's why.
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Enhance Your Ragic Database Massively With These Simple Design Tips! Icon
Enhance Your Ragic Database Massively With These Simple Design Tips!
What is Ragic
Par Fabio Kuo publié sur 2020/01/14
Just a little minor adjustments will have a major positive impact on your database!
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Quick Data Entry Tips: Checkbox ✔️✔️✔️ Icon
Quick Data Entry Tips: Checkbox ✔️✔️✔️
What is Ragic
Par Berrin Sun publié sur 2017/09/29
New! Learn how Ragic now lets you add checkboxes to your forms with one simple click.
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Quick Data Entry Tips: Better Form Design Icon
Quick Data Entry Tips: Better Form Design
What is Ragic
Par Berrin Sun publié sur 2017/06/16
The design of your database sheets determines the amount of time users spend on data entry. Explore our best tips for getting the best results when designing your Ragic forms.
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Using Ragic with Google Sheets Icon
Using Ragic with Google Sheets
What is Ragic
Par Berrin Sun publié sur 2017/05/18
Ragic lets you publish to the web as well as import data from third-party tools. Learn how here.
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Quick Data Entry Tips: Populating values with formulas Icon
Quick Data Entry Tips: Populating values with formulas
What is Ragic
Par Berrin Sun publié sur 2017/04/25
Learn how formulas can help you automate tasks and cut down on the time spent doing data entry with this set of user tips.
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Quick Data Entry Tips: Traffic light status indicator Icon
Quick Data Entry Tips: Traffic light status indicator
What is Ragic
Par Berrin Sun publié sur 2017/04/14
Ragic lets you use BBCode to insert traffic light status indicators to all your important docs. Learn how here.
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Quick Data Entry Tips: Entering data into linked fields Icon
Quick Data Entry Tips: Entering data into linked fields
What is Ragic
Par Berrin Sun publié sur 2017/03/31
Ragic lets you enter data into linked fields to save you time and effort. Learn how here.
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Ragic is now on your favorite calendar app! Icon
Ragic is now on your favorite calendar app!
What is Ragic
Par Berrin Sun publié sur 2014/07/28
Calendar integration has been one of the most anticipated features on Ragic, and we are proud to say that it's finally here! Read on to learn how to add date fields from your Ragic database sheets to your favorite calendar app.
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8 Pro-tips for creating beautiful looking database sheets with Ragic  Icon
8 Pro-tips for creating beautiful looking database sheets with Ragic
What is Ragic
Par Berrin Sun publié sur 2014/06/25
Ragic can help you customize your database sheets to match your desired look & feel. These tips will show you how to design your sheets like a pro!
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Introducing RagicDocs: Making your Dropbox work for work. Icon
Introducing RagicDocs: Making your Dropbox work for work.
What is Ragic
Par Berrin Sun publié sur 2014/06/20
We've just made document management on Ragic easier with our new application RagicDocs. The only thing you'll have to do is to link one of your Dropbox folders to your RagicDocs sheet, and you're good to go.
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Ragic Shortcode Plugin Available on Wordpress.org Icon
Ragic Shortcode Plugin Available on Wordpress.org
What is Ragic
Par Berrin Sun publié sur 2014/04/24
If you use Wordpress and want to embed your forms or listing pages from your database, you're in luck! A Ragic shortcode plugin is now available on Wordpress.org.
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Ragic can now be installed on your QNAP NAS server Icon
Ragic can now be installed on your QNAP NAS server
What is Ragic
Par Berrin Sun publié sur 2014/02/14
Ragic can now be installed in the QNAP Application Center so that you can host Ragic on your own private enterprise cloud.
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Excel est l'outil de gestion de données le plus populaire au monde.
Cependant, sa complexité augmente rapidement, Excel n'étant pas spécifiquement conçu pour la gestion des données.
Ragic simplifie la création de bases de données en ligne, ce tout aussi efficacement qu'Excel mais de manière plus intuitive.
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