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Case Studies
What is Ragic
Talking Ragic
The Team Behind the Harry Potter Film Concerts: How Does a 4-Person Team Stay on top of Over 300 Annual Performances? Icon
The Team Behind the Harry Potter Film Concerts: How Does a 4-Person Team Stay on top of Over 300 Annual Performances?
Case Studies
Par Lillian Huang publié sur 2022/08/17
CineConcerts, the production company behind over twelve film concerts, including Gladiator Live, Godfather Live, and the Harry Potter™ Film Concert Series, has only four full-time staff to manage over 300 annual performances. How do they do it?
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Set up over a Weekend, Still Going Strong 8 Years Later – How franklyfluent Built its “Super Compact” Database Icon
Set up over a Weekend, Still Going Strong 8 Years Later – How franklyfluent Built its “Super Compact” Database
Case Studies
Par Lili Lin publié sur 2022/05/03
franklyfluent is a London-based transcreation and copywriting agency that helps clients find their unique voice in 81 different languages. With Ragic, the agency streamlines the creative process from talent sourcing to project management, all in 5 sheets!
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The Largest Trucking Platform in Southeast Asia Powered by Ragic Data Management Icon
The Largest Trucking Platform in Southeast Asia Powered by Ragic Data Management
Case Studies
Par Fabio Kuo publié sur 2020/10/08
Deliveree is moving faster forward in the logistics industry with a customizable and controllable Ragic database!
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How Do it Best Corp. Marketing Team Uses Ragic to Build A Project Management Database Without Writing Any Code Icon
How Do it Best Corp. Marketing Team Uses Ragic to Build A Project Management Database Without Writing Any Code
Case Studies
Par Aletha Alfarania publié sur 2019/06/03
See how the company's market research supervisor tailored a data management application with Ragic and eliminated reliance on IT-personnel once and for all.
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Excel est l'outil de gestion de données le plus populaire au monde.
Cependant, sa complexité augmente rapidement, Excel n'étant pas spécifiquement conçu pour la gestion des données.
Ragic simplifie la création de bases de données en ligne, ce tout aussi efficacement qu'Excel mais de manière plus intuitive.
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