Le Guide Ragic
Transformer la façon dont votre entreprise opère grâce aux logiciels informatiques et aux services cloud
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Case Studies
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Case Studies
What is Ragic
Talking Ragic
Dr.aiR, a Customizable Air-Cushion Footwear Factory, Shortens Lead Times from 3 Months to 2 Weeks with Ragic Icon
Dr.aiR, a Customizable Air-Cushion Footwear Factory, Shortens Lead Times from 3 Months to 2 Weeks with Ragic
Case Studies
Par Lillian Huang, Nadya Tan publié sur 2024/06/03
"We used to attribute our inability to deliver on time to production capacity issues, thinking that we needed more capacity and we continuously hired people. Now we realize that it's not a capacity problem at all; rather, it's a management issue! With Ragic, what used to require ten people to accomplish can now be achieved with just seven."
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Excel est l'outil de gestion de données le plus populaire au monde.
Cependant, sa complexité augmente rapidement, Excel n'étant pas spécifiquement conçu pour la gestion des données.
Ragic simplifie la création de bases de données en ligne, ce tout aussi efficacement qu'Excel mais de manière plus intuitive.
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