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ERP Nightmare 4: The Old and Mobile-unfriendly System

Par Gina Tsao

Since the pandemic began, our lives at work are now completely different. Although remote working is now a part of daily life, the level of inconvenience varies depending on the ERP systems companies use.

For large enterprises with long histories, it is common to run a traditional ERP system that might be built many years ago. There is nothing wrong with using a traditional ERP system, but the problem is that most of the traditional ERP systems do not support working remotely well. The possible defects of traditional ERP systems include being mobile-unfriendly, having complicated installation processes, and frustrating server maintenances. They are annoying but solvable when the IT department and you were working in the same building. Unfortunately, things have been changed unexpectedly. Remote working highlights the advantage of using a cloud-based ERP system, but for companies that already have giant databases, it is painful and almost impossible for them to switch to a new system in a short period of time.

That is exactly why Ragic is a good option! Many Ragic users choose Ragic as add-ons for their ERP system. After all, many systems have been developed and shaped to the business of the company for a long period of time, and migrating to the cloud doesn’t mean that the whole system needs to be abandoned immediately. However, Ragic serves as a more flexible way which allows users to overcome the weakness their system has in remote working.

For further information on how we help our clients with cloud databases, read more of our awesome blogs or contact the customer service. :)

Catégorie:  Data Drama > ERP Nightmare

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