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Ragic is now on your favorite calendar app!

Par Berrin Sun

Calendar integration has been one of the most anticipated features on Ragic, and we are proud to say that it's finally here. With our new integration, you can add any of your date fields on your Ragic database sheets to your calendar!

To do this, navigate to the Calendar Sync option found under Tools

Select the fields you would like to add to your calendar from the pop-up menu, and follow the instructions to add these dates to your favorite calendar application.

Ragic's new calendar feature is supported on major calendar applications like iCal, Google Calendar, IBM Lotus Notes, and Microsoft Outlook, which means that you'll be able to track the important dates within your Ragic database from all devices.

What should Ragic work on next? Leave us a comment!

Catégorie:  Talking Ragic > Announcements

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